Big Data Analytics - SEC Group

Big Data Analytics


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Data Analytics at Scale

The renowned DHL Trend Radar first introduced Big Data Analytics back in 2013 and in its most recent update, positioned it as one of the most relevant technologies affecting warehouse operations over the next five years.
The impact of Brexit and the global pandemic highlighted the need for in-depth analysis of warehouse operational data. By having a clear and concise picture and a better understanding of every element of the warehouse function, operators can make the necessary changes to remain agile and efficient to cope with fast-shifting consumer demands and supply chain uncertainty.
The parallel rise of Industry 4.0 over this period has brought integrated technologies and the availability of vast quantities of highly valuable Big Data streams to warehouse operators, taking data analysis to the next level.

What is Big Data Analytics?

Whilst every business runs data analysis, Big Data analytics is a more complex method of examining large data sets to find new information such as consumer buying patterns & preferences and overall market trends.
Such advanced analytics can include predictive models and scenario planning using powerful analytics tools. This in-depth look at existing and potential operational practices provides invaluable insights for a warehouse or logistics operator that will guide them to making strategic, data-driven changes to enhance efficiency and productivity.


Big Data for Warehouse Operations

Many warehouse operations historically used software platforms such as ERP systems. However with the advancement of technology and digitalisation creating vast swathes of valuable data, these systems are no longer capable of handling the level of material needed to make informed decisions. And it is these data-driven decisions that will have a positive effect on efficiency throughout the full extent of warehouse operations, from goods-in to last mile logistics.
Predictive analysis of Big Data has long term benefits for warehouse operations. The stratospheric rise of e-commerce has in turn created almost limitless amounts of data. Analysing this Big Data establishes future trends and the solutions, both physical or digital, that are need to facilitate efficiency and growth in the warehouse.


Impact of Big Data Analytics in a Warehouse setting

The warehouse and logistics sector is being transformed through the power of data-driven insights. Big Data analysis has the capability to understand the customer and what, when and how they are likely to want to make purchases in the future. The statistical data of trends and scenarios is of huge value to ensure the planning process for infrastructure, workforce and equipment, from forklift trucks to autonomous mobile robots [link to this page] is agile enough to adapt when required.
Equally, analysis of the supply chain and implementing changes or processes to eliminate any vulnerable pinch-points will dramatically improve both warehouse efficiency and customer service levels.
Using skilled software technicians, Big Data analytics has the potential to offer warehouse and logistics operators an array of indisputable data-driven insights to enhance decision making that leads to improved efficiency, supply chain safeguarding and future-proofed business agility.

Written by,

Harry Watts

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