AMR robots at picking station

Warehouse Optimisation


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Warehouse Optimisation – A Guide To Improved Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Warehouse Optimisation

Efficient management is crucial for warehouses and distribution centres operating in every industry sector. It not only improves operational efficiency but also plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction.

Warehouse optimisation includes physical automation via strategic analysis of warehouse operations and improvements to processes, warehouse equipment, stock or SKU layout, unused space, and involves warehouse management software, automated material handling systems and integrated technologies to forecast inventory demands, maximise efficiency and minimise costs.

Observing warehouse optimisation trends and warehouse performance, and then creating a plan on how to best implement this to maximise warehouse efficiency baring all of these factors in mind can take some work.

This guide should help you better understand why and how to make a warehouse optimisation plan. We will explore key strategies and techniques, giving you warehouse optimisation tips focusing on improving efficiency and ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.



Warehouse Space – Layout and Space Utilisation:

Optimising warehouse layout design and storage space utilisation is the foundation of efficient operations and the critical path to achieving an efficient warehouse design is understanding the data.

By analysing operational data collection, demand patterns, seasonal fluctuations, shipping process times, and customer behaviour, businesses can build a profile of their operations, taking into account human errors and inventory demands. They can then be used to make informed decisions regarding SKU categorisation and warehouse layout within the warehouse management systems, and the storage equipment infrastructure required in order to optimise and utilise your valuable warehouse space.

Consider the following approaches to the optimisation process:

ABC Analysis

Develop an inventory management system – classify items based on their demand frequency (A-items: high demand, B-items: moderate demand, C-items: low demand). Store frequently accessed items closer to the shipping area to reduce picking time.

Volumetric Analysis

A more in-depth approach to SKU analysis. Assess each SKU categorised on size, weight, and dimensions, to identify the best sized storage equipment for each item and ensure the pick face is appropriate to each SKU.

Slotting Optimisation

Analyse sales patterns and inventory turnover rates to determine the ideal slotting strategy. Place fast-moving products in easily accessible areas and prioritise popular items in pick zones.

Vertical Space Utilisation

Much of the warehouse cube is often left under-utilised. Optimise the vertical space efficiently by implementing tall pallet racks, mezzanines, or automated vertical storage systems to maximise storage capacity.

Pallet racking

Inventory Management:

Effective inventory and resource management can create a productive and profitable environment and warehouse workflow, as it can help to ensure products are readily available for the picking process, while minimising excess stock through automated systems.

There are a number of best practice analyses that warehouse managers can implement:

ABC/XYZ Analysis

Categorise items based on value (A-items: high-value, B-items: moderate value, C-items: low value) and demand variability (X-items: stable demand, Y-items: intermittent demand, Z-items: highly variable demand). This simple yet highly effective form of analysis helps to establish appropriate inventory control for each category.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory

Adopt JIT principles to reduce inventory holding costs and improve order fulfilment speed. Collaborate closely with shipping providers and suppliers across your supply chain to receive products as they are needed, minimising warehouse storage requirements.

Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Utilise barcode or RFID systems to monitor inventory levels accurately, enabling real-time visibility into stock levels. This will help to optimise replenishment activities and prevent overstocking.

 Efficient Order Fulfilment:

Smooth order fulfilment processes not only enhance efficiency but lead to increased customer satisfaction.

Consider these warehouse and storage space optimisation techniques within your warehouse processes:

Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Implement a robust WMS to automate and streamline order fulfilment operations, including order picking, packing, and shipping. This system optimises picking routes, reduces errors, and improves overall efficiency.

Pick-to-Light and Put-to-Light Systems:

Deploy these systems to guide pickers and packers to the correct locations, minimising errors and reducing picking time.


Utilise cross-docking to expedite the movement of goods by transferring them directly from incoming shipments to outbound vehicles, minimising storage time and increasing order fulfilment speed.

Warehouse Automation and Technology Integration:

According to Research & Markets, the warehouse automation market is expected to reach $41 billion by 2027. With a range of warehouse physical and process automation available to businesses of all sizes, there is a real opportunity to leverage technology to enhance warehouse efficiency and accuracy:

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS):

Implement AS/RS to automate the storage and retrieval of products, reducing manual handling (as well as the manual checking process – removing redundant processes), human error and optimising space utilization.

Robotics and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs):

Utilise robots and AMRs for picking, packing, and sorting operations to improve efficiency and reduce labour costs.


Data Analytics and Predictive Analytics:

Utilise data analytics and predictive analytics to forecast demand, optimise inventory levels, and improve overall warehouse operations.


Warehouse optimisation to support sustainability

Warehouse optimisation plays a significant role in promoting sustainability within supply chain operations. By adopting sustainable practices, businesses can minimise their environmental impact while improving overall efficiency. Here’s how warehouse optimisation contributes to sustainability:

Energy Efficiency

Warehouse optimisation focuses on reducing energy consumption and optimising resource utilisation. By implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices, businesses can minimise their carbon footprint and operational costs. Some approaches include:

LED Lighting: Switching to energy-efficient LED lighting reduces electricity consumption and maintenance costs while providing better illumination.

Motion Sensors: Installing motion sensors in the warehouse helps automate lighting systems, ensuring lights are only active when necessary, reducing unnecessary energy usage.

Insulation and Ventilation: Proper insulation and ventilation techniques optimise temperature control, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling and decreasing energy consumption.

Waste Reduction

Efficient warehouse management helps in minimising waste generation and encourages recycling and responsible disposal practices. Many warehouse managers have found that by reducing waste, their business contributes to a more sustainable environment.

Key strategies include:

Packaging Optimisation: Implementing appropriate packaging techniques, such as right-sizing packages and using recyclable materials, reduces material waste and transportation costs.

Reverse Logistics: Establishing a well-structured reverse logistics process enables the efficient handling of returned products, reducing waste and facilitating recycling or refurbishment.

Waste Segregation: Proper waste segregation practices within the warehouse promote recycling and facilitate the disposal of hazardous materials in an environmentally friendly manner.

Transportation Optimisation

Warehouse optimisation can help streamline transportation processes, leading to reduced fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Consider the following approaches:

Route Optimisation:By optimising delivery routes and scheduling, businesses can reduce the distance travelled, minimise fuel consumption, and decrease emissions.

Consolidation and Collaboration: Implementing strategies like freight consolidation and collaborative transportation with other businesses helps maximise truckload capacity and reduce empty miles, thereby minimising fuel usage and emissions.

Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management practices positively impact sustainability efforts by reducing excess stock, minimising waste, and preventing obsolescence. Some techniques include:

Demand Forecasting: Accurate demand forecasting helps optimise inventory levels, reducing the need for excess stock and minimising the risk of waste due to expired or obsolete products.

Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory: JIT principles ensure that inventory is replenished precisely when needed, minimising storage requirements and reducing the environmental impact associated with excess stock.

Green Technology Adoption

Embracing sustainable technologies and solutions within the warehouse promotes environmentally friendly practices. Some examples include:

Renewable Energy Sources: Installing solar panels or utilising other renewable energy sources to power warehouse operations reduces dependence on fossil fuels and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

Warehouse Solar Pannels

Electric Vehicles (EVs): Adopting electric vehicles for intra-warehouse transportation and last-mile deliveries reduces carbon emissions and air pollution.

Sustainable Material Handling Equipment: Using electric or hybrid forklifts, pallet jacks, and other equipment helps reduce emissions and noise pollution compared to traditional fuel-powered alternatives.

By implementing these warehouse optimisation strategies, businesses can achieve significant sustainability benefits, reduce their ecological footprint, and contribute to a greener and more environmentally conscious supply chain.



Conclusion – Warehouse Optimisation

Efficient warehouse optimisation and automation of warehouse operations are critical components for businesses aiming to improve efficiency, meet sustainability targets, and enhance customer satisfaction.

By strategically analysing and implementing the right techniques, such as optimising warehouse layout, inventory management, order fulfilment processes, and integrating automation and technology, companies can achieve higher productivity, reduce costs, and ultimately exceed customer expectations.

Continuously evaluating and adapting these strategies will allow warehouse managers to stay ahead in a competitive marketplace and provide exceptional service to their customers.

Optimise your warehouse with help from SEC Storage today; the experts who can help you achieve business growth, maximum efficiency and productivity within your warehouse through our award-winning data analysis and warehouse design tools.

Written by,

SEC Group

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